Monday - Saturday - 8:00am - 9:00pm,Sunday - 8:00am- 2:00pm

Pilates Services

Pilates Reformer

Reformer is an equipment used to perform pilates exercises. It consists of a bed like frame called- carriage, Springs whch gives different levels of resistance shoulder blocks to prevent slipping and a footbar which enables the person to move carriage back and forth. There are various straps which attaches to the hands and feet which help in building strength.
One of the best thing on a reformer is its versatility, a professional trainer can undoubtedly design more than 500 different exercises just with this one machine.
The reformer offers all the benefits of Pilates including overall strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance. Overall, this will help in your daily life improvements like better posture, graceful ranges and efficient movement. It is one of the greatest Tools in a Physio Clinics to help with Back Pain, Knee Pain, and several SPORTS INJURIES.

Wunda Chair

Pilates Chair or Wunda Chair is an equipment used to perform Pilates. It consists of a box and a large pedal which is again attached to different levels of resistance or springs. Exercises on Chair can be done in Sitting, Lying, standing on the chair while it works on your flexibility and stability. A thorough professional would be testing himself to see how many exercises can be done on the chair. In a Physio Clinic, it can work wonder in developing Balance, Proprioception and a lot of Active Assisted Movements to make patients best of their abilities.

Pilates Motr

Pilates MOTR consists of cylinder and Handle Bar which has resistance strings attached to it. It can be used for strength, Balance, proprioception and Aerobic Exs.

Trapeze Table (Cadillac) Effortless Movement - Infinite Adjustability

Trapeze Table is an advanced Pilates Equipment used for  performing various challenging Movements. Its Effortless movement and Infinite adjustability helps in designing programs which are suitable for athletes, runners to improve their performance in the sport. It is also helpful in Sports Rehab to help in returning the Athlete to its Maximum Potential and Perform Sports Specific Drills for better results.
At Physiofit, we have players coming from major Sports and Tournaments for Strength and Conditioning.